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First Call for Papers and TeX Pearls

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Call for Papers

The general conference idea is to be true to its title

TeX — Paths to the future

Proposals (abstracts) should be e-mailed to attention of the Program Committee which listens at papers-EBT2007 at gust dot org dot pl. Bogusław Jackowski is the appointed chairman. The deadline for abstracts is March 5, extended until March 15. The deadline for the final papers and technical information for authors is published there.

The community is putting a lot of effort in terms of thought and deliverables into areas critical to the future of TeX:

  • new TeX engines,
  • enhancing graphics engines,
  • new or improved macro packages,
  • user interfaces,
  • new font technologies.

European TeX Conference 2007

Paths to the Future

© Jackowscy, “GUST”

The results find their way

  • first into CTAN
  • and then TeX distributions.

This is perhaps a trivial observation, but nonetheless an important one: in the center of any of those the users should stand as nothing of the above has any value if it does not get adopted by them.

The Program Committee does not restrict what your presentations should be about but would be more than happy if your contribution will be user centric and oriented towards the future of TeX.

Proposals for TeX related tutorials or introductions are especially welcome. If you have suggestions for tutorials or workshops by others than yourself or about specific topics, please let us know.

Call for TeX Pearls

We are continuing the tradition of “The Pearls of TeX Programming”. Here is briefly what is wanted:

  • short TeX, MF or MP macro/macros;
  • results should be virtually useful yet not obvious;
  • easy to explain — 10 minutes at most.

If you yourself have something that fits the bill, please consider. If you know somebody's work that does the same, please let us know, we will contact the person. Other details and previously collected pearls can be found here. The email address is: pearls at gust dot org dot pl.

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