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Call for papers

A model kit

Modeling and implementing text typesetting in TeX and other systems


TeX as a program created by a scientist — Professor of The Art of Computer Programming, D. E. Knuth — stands out among other typesetting programs. Here we have not only an implementation but also a theoretical model to explain its behavior. For example the line breaking algorithm is based on the “algebra of glue and boxes”. Algorithms designed for TeX became the basis for several scientific publications. TeX became a suitable environment for research in typography.

We ask participants to reflect on the dependencies between theoretical models and implementation. Do they help or are they an obstacle?


Of course we also look forward to the normal mix of TeX, Metafont / Metapost (please, do not forget the fonts!), ConTeXt, LaTeX, and friends related presentations. We also do upkeep the BachoTeX trend in which we try to bring together programmers and designers of typographic systems, typographers and other users of such systems. The normal channel of offering papers is the emailing of proposals to the Program Committee, but before rushing off to the mailer, please consult the info for authors.

Workshops and tutorials

We look forward to proposals for TeX-related tutorials or introductions. If you have suggestions for tutorials or workshops by others than yourself or about specific topics, please let us know.

Poster sessions

As always at BachoTeX participants will be given the opportunity to present their TeX and typographic results in the form of posters for which we provide exhibition space.

Deadlines and addresses

The deadline for “regular” abstracts and other proposals is August 21st 2022. The deadline for final papers to appear in the conference materials is September 4th. Contributions should be sent by email to the Program Committee: prog-2022 at gust dot org dot pl . The Program Committee is chaired by Bogusław Jackowski (b underscore jackowski at gust dot org dot pl .)

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