Conference schedule
This schedule might still be changed, though not significantly.
Please note:
- GUST's Annual General Meeting (Thursday, April 30th, at 20:00);
- the meals, refreshment breaks and bonfire times migh slightly change…
April 29th
This is the conference's “title” day. Today's and following days' presentations should give you food for thought which—we hope—will result in a vivid “title” panel discussion on Saturday.
08:00 | Breakfast | |
09:00 | Conference opening | |
09:15 | Arthur Reutenauer | Roads to TeX |
09:30 | Marek Ryćko | Designing Programmable Aspects of Typographic Software |
10:30 | Jean-Michel Hufflen | Multi-Directional Typesetting in XSL-FO |
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:30 | David Kastrup | An introduction to Lua as a programming language |
12:30 | Hans Hagen | The state of LuaTeX |
13:15 | Ulrik Vieth, Harald König | Charting the Bachotek resort with GPS coordinates—Towards a better map |
13:30 | Lunch | |
15:00 | Piotr Strzelczyk | Unicode — for and even against |
15:30 | Arthur Reutenauer | hyph-utf8 |
16:15 | Coffee break | |
16:45 | Chris A. Rowley | Typesetting outside the \box: a discussion item |
17:15 | Taco Hoekwater | SVG support in MetaPost |
18:00 | Andrzej Odyniec | Panel discussion: TeX: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats |
19:00 | Dinner |
April 30th
This a little lighter day is devoted to workshops and tutorials as well as working meetings of the various interest groups.
For beginners and perhaps for non-beginners who will not partake in the workgroups meetings: workshops by Adam Kolany, Grzegorz Murzynowski and Norbert Preining. Everyone is invited!
We will conclude the working part of the day with Norbert Preining giving a preview on TeX Live 2009 and collecting wishes for TL2009 and TL2010.
08:00 | Breakfast | |
09:00 | Norbert Preining | TeX Live Manager — Tutorial |
10:00 | Adam Kolany | MetaPost for lazy people— part 1 of the workshop |
10:30 | Grzegorz Murzynowski | LaTeX workshop |
11:30 | Coffee break | |
12:00 | Adam Kolany | MetaPost for lazy people— part 2 of the workshop |
14:00 | Lunch | |
15:00 | Adam Kolany | MetaPost for lazy people— part 3 of the workshop |
15:00 | Time for interest groups meetings | |
16:30 | Coffee break | |
17:00 | Adam Kolany | MetaPost for lazy people— part 4 of the workshop |
18:00 | Norbert Preining | TeX Live 2009 — Preview and Wishlist Hour |
19:00 | Dinner | |
20:00 | GUST Annual General Meeting |
May 1st
Friday is mainly devoted to fonts, with special emphasis on typesetting mathematics with OpenType fonts, the next big thing for the TeX community.
A panel discussion on “TeX distributions” led by Norbert Preining will conclude the day.
08:00 | Breakfast | |
09:00 | Ulrik Vieth | OpenType Math Illuminated |
10:00 | Taco Hoekwater | Math extensions in LuaTeX |
11:00 | Hans Hagen | Tracing OpenType |
11:30 | Coffee break | |
12:00 | Hans Hagen | Unicode math in ConTeXt |
12:45 | Bogusław Jackowski, Jerzy Ludwichowski, Piotr Strzelczyk | Typesetting Math: TeX and OpenType Fonts |
13:30 | Lunch | |
15:00 | Janusz M. Nowacki | Antykwa Półtawskiego – under construction |
15:45 | Adam Twardoch | Lonely life among families |
16:30 | Coffee break | |
17:00 | Jean-Michel Hufflen | Introduction to XQuery |
17:30 | David Kastrup | What's new with Emacs and AUCTeX? |
18:15 | Norbert Preining | Panel discussion: TeX Distributions |
19:30 | Dinner | |
21:00 | Bonfire |
May 2nd
Typography day at BachoTeX: since some time we are trying to devote significant amounts of time to typography, and we seem to succeed. At this conference, typography will be presented at various levels—from an almost philosophical point of view down to day-to-day practice.
The Typography Counsel, though not listed in the schedule, will be held throughout the day. If successful, we will try to continue in a similar fashion during future BachoTeX conferences. Enjoy and profit!
At the end of the day Marek Ryćko with the conference's “title” panel discussion will try to reap the results of the panelists' and the members' of audience intensive thinking since Wednesday (see the Wednesday schedule).
00:00 | Bonfire (continued) | |
08:00 | Breakfast | |
09:00 | Tomasz Bierkowski | The Functional Aspect of Typography |
10:00 | Małgorzata Dubowiak | Designing web sites — a case study |
10:45 | Aleksandra Kaptur | Introducing Stefan |
11:15 | Coffee break | |
11:45 | Ewa Szelatyńska | What is TeX for |
12:30 | Grzegorz Murzynowski | „Kolofony” (Colophons)—TeX in honourable service of mimetic typography. |
13:15 | Lunch | |
14:15 | Andrzej Tomaszewski | Bibliophile prints by Samuel Tyszkiewicz |
15:45 | Marcin Woliński | A Rational Keyboard Layout for a Typographer and a Programmer |
16:15 | Coffee break | |
16:45 | Ryszard Kubiak | Creating Software Documentation for Users with LaTeX and Hyperlatex |
17:15 | Grzegorz Murzynowski | \DeclareCommand of the gmutils package — more than xparse or just too weird? |
18:00 | Marek Ryćko | Panel discussion: TeX: at a turning point, or at the crossroads? |
19:00 | Dinner |
May 3rd
For the last day, i.e., for desert, we have reserved a few interesting presentations, with the intention to keep from going those who might be toying with the idea to leave early. One of those is programing of a Mars rover with… TeX!
08:00 | Breakfast | |
09:00 | Taco Hoekwater, Stephen Hicks | TeX: beauties and oddities plus programing a Mars rover in TeX |
10:30 | Jean-Michel Hufflen | How MlBibTeX's Documentation is Organised |
11:00 | David Kastrup | Compilation and use of libexpat in LuaTeX as a means of processing XML with LuaTeX. |
11:30 | Philip Taylor | A Parshape Pre-processor |
12:00 | Conference closing | |
12:15 | Coffee break | |
13:30 | Lunch |
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