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BachoTeX 2022

Invitation, dates, venue, registration, program, news

Dear TeXies and conference sympathizers

Once again the GUST Board and the BachoTeX conference Organizing Committee decided to call it off because of the returning dangerous waves of SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Those of you who have been to Bachotek know that one of the main strengths of our conferences is the proximity of dozens like minded people during several days of intensive work and discussions, with almost no ways for evasion. This creates an environment for generating new ideas, gaining knowledge effortlessly as if by inhaling and – last but not least – supporting friendships. Citing Bogusław Jackowski: "ideas are created between heads".

Unfortunately such physical conditions in the times of an epidemic are a serious weakness. Just try to imagine problems with even one case of an infection in such conditions...

For the future: BachoTeX in 2023 will be, on standard dates, with the same leading theme. Keep fingers crossed!


A model kit

Modeling and implementing text typesetting in TeX and other systems

(see the call for papers)

  Call for Papers    The W. J. Martin Prize 

Travel information 

 Submissions  Committees

  Long-term weather forecast for Bachotek 

Document Actions