% \GetFileInfo{gmutils.sty}
% \title{The \pk{gmutils} Package\thfileinfo}
% \author{Natror (Grzegorz Murzynowski)}
% \maketitle
% \begin{copyrnote}
%%Written by Natror (Grzegorz Murzynowski),
%% natror at o2 dot pl
%% \copyright\,2005, 2006, 2007 by Natror (Grzegorz Murzynowski).
%% This program is subject to the \LaTeX\ Project Public License.
%% See ^^A
%% \url{} ^^A
%% for the details of that license.
%% LPPL status: "author-maintained".\par
%% Many thanks to my \TeX\ Guru Marcin Woli\'nski for his \TeX nical ^^A
%% support.
% \RecordChanges
% \ChangesStart{}{1000/00/0}
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% \chschange{v0.76}{07/3/2}{1276}
% \chschange{v0.76}{07/3/30}{1411}
[2007/03/10 v0.76 some rather TeXnical macros, some of them tricky (GM)]
% \tableofcontents
% \division{Intro}
% The \pk{gmutils.sty} package provides some macros that are
% analogous to the standard \LaTeX\ ones but extend their
% functionality, such as |\@ifnextcat|, |\addtomacro| or |\begin(*)|.
% The others are just conveniences I~like to use in all my TeX
% works, such as |\afterfi|, |\pk| or |\cs|.
% I wouldn't say they are only for the package writers but I~assume
% some nonzero \LaTeXpar-awareness of the user.
% For details just read the code part.
% \begin{gmlonely}
% \subdivision{Installation}
% Just put the \pk{gmutils.sty} somewhere in the \file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex}
% branch. Creating a~\file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex/\:gm} directory may be advisable
% if you consider using other packages written by me.
% Then you should refresh your \TeX\ distribution's files' database
% most probably.
% \end{gmlonely}
% \subdivision{Contents of the \pk{} Archive}
% The distribution of the \pk{gmutils} package consists of the
% following four files.
% \begin{verse}
% \pk{gmutils.sty}\\
% \pk{README}\\
% \pk{gmutilsDoc.tex}\\
% \pk{gmutilsDoc.pdf}
% \end{verse}
% \begin{gmlonely}
% \subdivision{Compiling of the Documentation}
% The last of the above files (the \pk{.pdf}, i.e., \emph{this
% file}) is a~documentation compiled from the \pk{.sty} file by
% running \LaTeX\ on the \pk{gmutilsDoc.tex} file twice,
% then MakeIndex on the \file{gmutils.idx} file, and then \LaTeX\
% on \file{gmutilsDoc.tex} once more.
% MakeIndex shell command:
% \[\hbox{|makeindex -r gmutilsDoc|}\]
% The |-r| switch is to forbid MakeIndex to make implicit ranges since
% the (code line) numbers will be hyperlinks.
% Compiling the documentation requires the packages:
% \pk{gmdoc} (\pk{gmdoc.sty} and \pk{gmdocc.cls}), \pk{gmverb.sty},
% \pk{gmutils.sty}, \pk{gmiflink.sty} and also some standard packages:
% \pk{hyperref.sty}, \pk{color.sty}, \pk{geometry.sty},
% \pk{multicol.sty}, \pk{lmodern.sty}, \pk{fontenc.sty} that should
% be installed on your computer by default.
% If you had not installed the \pk{mwcls} classes (available on
% CTAN and present in \TeX\ Live e.g.), the result of your
% compilation might differ a~bit from the \pk{.pdf} provided in this
% \pk{.zip} archive in formatting: If you had not installed
% \pk{mwcls}, the standard \pk{article.cls} class would be used.
% \end{gmlonely}
% \division{A~couple of abbreviations}
% \CodeDefine\@xa \CodeDefine\@nx
% The |\newgif| declaration's effect is used even in the \LaTeXe\
% source by redefining some particular user defined ifs (UD-ifs
% henceforth) step by step. The goal is to make the UD-if's
% assignment global. I~needed it at least twice during \pk{gmdoc}
% writing so I~make it a~macro. It's an almost verbatim copy of
% \LaTeX's |\newif| modulo the letter $g$ and the |\global| prefix.
% (File d: \file{ltdefns.dtx} Date: 2004/02/20 Version v1.3g, lines
% 139--150) \CodeDefine\newgif
% `Almost' is also in the detail that in this case, which deals with
% |\global| assignments, we don't have to bother with storing and
% restoring the value of |\escapechar|: we can do all the work inside
% a~group.
% \CodeDefIndex\@gif
g% the letter $g$ for `|\global|'.
% After |\newgif\iffoo| you may type |{\foogtrue}| and the |\iffoo|
% switch becomes globally equal |\iftrue|. Simili modo |\foogfalse|.
% Note the letter $g$ added to underline globalness of the assignment.
% If for any reason, no matter how queer ;-) may it be, you need
% \emph{both} global and local switchers of your |\if...|, declare
% it both with |\newif| and |\newgif|.
% Note that it's just a~shorthand. |\global\if|\|true/false|
% \emph{does} work as expected.
% \CodeDefine\grefstepcounter
% \changes{v0.59}{06/09/04}{moved here from \pk{gmdoc}.}
% There's a~trouble with |\refstepcounter|: defining |\@currentlabel|
% is local. So let's |\def| a~|\global| version of |\refstepcounter|.
% Warning. I~use it because of very special reasons in \pk{gmdoc} and
% in general it is probably not a~good idea to make |\refstepcounter|
% global since it is contrary to the original \LaTeX\ approach.
% Na\"\i{}ve first try |\globaldefs=\tw@| raised an error
% |unknown command \reserved@e|. The matter was to globalize
% |\protected@edef| of |\@currentlabel|.
% Thanks to using the true |\refstepcounter| inside, it observes the
% change made to |\refstepcounter| by \pk{hyperref}.
% \dekmedskip
% Another shorthand. It may decrease a~number of |\expandafter|s e.g.
% \CodeDefine\glet
% \division{\cs{@ifnextcat}, \cs{@ifnextac}}
% As you guess, we |\def| |\@ifnextcat| \`a~la |\@ifnextchar|, see
% \LaTeXe\ source dated 2003/12/01, file d, lines 253--271. The
% difference is in the kind of test used: while |\@ifnextchar| does
% |\ifx|, |\@ifnextcat| does |\ifcat| which means it looks not at the
% meaning of a~token(s) but at their |\catcode|(s). As you (should)
% remember from \TeXbook, the former test doesn't expand macros while
% the latter does. But in |\@ifnextcat| the peeked token is protected
% against expanding by |\noexpand|. Note that the first parameter is
% not protected and therefore it shall be expanded if it's
% a~macro. Because an assignment is involved, you can't test whether
% the next token is an active char.
% \changes{v0.75}{2007/01/01}{\cs{let} for \cs[\#]1 changed to
% \cs{def} to allow things like \cs{noexpand\*}}
% \CodeDefIndex\@ifncat
{\def\:{\let\@sptoken= } \: % this makes |\@sptoken| a space token.
% \CodeDefIndex\@xifncat
\def\:{\@xifncat} \expandafter\gdef\: {\futurelet\@let@token\@ifncat}}
% Note the trick to get a~macro with no parameter and requiring
% a~space after it. We do it inside a~group not to spoil the general
% meaning of |\:| (which we extend later).
% \dekmedskip
% But how to peek at the next token to check whether it's an active
% char? First, we look with |\@ifnextcat| whether there stands a~group
% opener. We do that to avoid taking a~whole |{...}| as the argument
% of the next macro, that doesn't use |\futurelet| but takes the next
% token as an argument, tests it and puts back intact.
% \CodeDefine\@ifnextac
% \changes{v0.75}{2007/01/11}{added}
% Yes, it won't work for an active char |\let| to |{|${}_1$, but it
% \emph{will} work for an active char |\let| to a~char of
% catcode${}\neq1$. (Is there anybody on Earth who'd make an active
% char working as |\bgroup|?)
% \division{\cs{afterfi} and Pals}
% It happens from time to time that you have some sequence of macros
% in an |\if...| and you would like to expand |\fi| before expanding
% them (e.g., when the macros should take some tokens next to |\fi...|
% as their arguments. If you know how many macros are there, you may
% type a~couple of |\expandafter|s and not to care how terrible it
% looks. But if you don't know how many tokens will there be, you
% seem to be in a~real trouble. There's the Knuthian trick with
% |\next|. And here another, revealed to me by my \TeX\ Guru.
% I~think the situations when the Knuthian (the former) trick is not
% available are rather seldom, but they are imaginable at least: the
% |\next| trick involves an assignment so it won't work e.g.\ in
% |\edef|. But in general it's only a~matter of taste which one to
% use.
% One warning: those macros peel the braces off, i.e.,
% \[|\if..\afterfi{\@makeother\^^M}\fi|\]
% causes a~leakage of
% |^^M|\catother. To avoid polution write
% \[|\if..\afterfi\bgroup\@makeother\^^M\egroup\fi|\,.\]
% \CodeDefine\afterfi \CodeDefine\afterfifi \CodeDefine\afterelsefi
% \CodeDefine\afterelsefifi \CodeDefine\afterelseiffifi
% One more of that family:
% \dots\ and some other:
% Note, if you fancy this smart trick, that some `|else|' cases are
% covered by proper non-|else| |\after...|\ macros, e.g.,
% |\afterfielsefi|'s task would be fulfilled by |\afterfifi| and
% |\afterelsefifi| covers also the `|\afterelsefielsefi|' case.
% \division{Almost an Environment or Redefinition of \cs{begin}}
% We'll extend the functionality of |\begin|: the non-starred
% instances shall act as usual and we'll add the starred version. The
% difference of the latter will be that it won't check whether the
% `environment' has been defined so any name will be allowed.
% This is intended to structure the source with named groups that
% don't have to be especially defined and probably don't take any
% particular action except the scoping.
% (If the |\begin*|'s argument is a~(defined) environment's name,
% |\begin*| will act just like |\begin|.)
% \dekmedskip
% Original \LaTeX's |\begin|:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \@ifundefined{#1}%
% {\def\reserved@a{\@latex@error{Environment #1 undefined}\@eha}}%
% {\def\reserved@a{\def\@currenvir{#1}%
% \edef\@currenvline{\on@line}%
% \csname #1\endcsname}}%
% \@ignorefalse
% \begingroup\@endpefalse\reserved@a}
% \CodeDefine\@begnamedgroup
\@ignorefalse% not to ignore blanks after group
\csname #1\endcsname}% if the argument is a~command's name (an
% environment's e.g.), this command will now be executed. (If the
% corresponding control sequence hasn't been known to \TeX, this line
% will act as |\relax|.)
% For back compatibility with my earlier works
% \CodeDefine\bnamegroup
% \CodeDefine\enamegroup
% And for the ending
% And we make it the starred version of |\begin|.
% \begin{DoIndex}{\begin}
% \CodeDefine\old@begin \CodeDefine\begin
% \CodeDefine*\begin*
% \end{DoIndex}
% \division{Improvement of \cs{end}}
% \changes{v0.74}{2006/11/27}{The catcodes of \cs{begin} and \cs{end}
% argument(s) don't have to agree strictly anymore: an environment is properly
% closed if the \cs{begin}'s and \cs{end}'s arguments result in the
% same \cs{csname}}
% It's very clever and useful that |\end| checks whether its argument
% is |ifx|-equivalent |@currenvir|. However, it works not quite as
% I~would expect: Since the idea of environment is to open a~group and
% launch the cs named in the |\begin|'s argument. That last thing is
% done with |\csname...\endcsname| so the char catcodes are
% equivalent. Thus should be also in the |\end|'s test and therefore
% we ensure the compared texts are both expanded and made all `other'.
% Thanks to it you may write |\begin{macrocode*}| with |*|\catother
% and end it with |\end{macrocode*}| with |*|\catletter\ (that was the
% problem that led me to this solution). The error messages looked
% really funny:
% $$\hbox{|! LaTeX Error: \begin{macrocode*} on input line 1844 ended by \end{macrocode*}.|}$$
% Of course, you might write
% also |\end{macrocode\star}| where |\star| is defined as `other' star
% or letter star.
%\division{From \pk{relsize}}
%\changes{v0.58}{06/09/02}{Relative fontsize change macros added}
% As file \pk{relsize.sty}, v3.1 dated July 4, 2003 states, \LaTeXe\
% version of these macros was written by Donald Arseneau
% \url{} and Matt Swift \url{} after the
% \LaTeX\,2.09 \pk{smaller.sty} style file written by Bernie Cosell
% \url{cosell@WILMA.BBN.COM}\,.
% I~take only the basic, non-math mode commands with the assumption
% that there are the predefined font sizes.
% You declare the font size with \TextUsage\relsize\marg{n} where
% \ gives the number of steps ("mag-step" = factor of 1.2) to
% change the size by. E.g., $n = 3$ changes from |\normalsize| to
% |\LARGE| size. Negative $n$ selects smaller fonts.
% \TextUsage\smaller${}=={}$|\relsize{-1}|;
% \TextUsage\larger${}=={}$|\relsize{1}|. \TextUsage\smallerr (my
% addition)${}=={}$|\relsize{-2}|; \TextUsage\largerr\ guess yourself.
% (Since |\DeclareRobustCommand|
% doesn't issue an error if its argument has been defined and it only
% informs about redefining, loading \pk{relsize} remains allowed.)
% \CodeDefine\relsize
\ifmmode \@nomath\relsize\else
\@tempcnta % assign number representing current font size
\ifx\@currsize\normalsize 4\else % funny order is to have most ...
\ifx\@currsize\small 3\else % ...likely sizes checked first
\ifx\@currsize\footnotesize 2\else
\ifx\@currsize\large 5\else
\ifx\@currsize\Large 6\else
\ifx\@currsize\LARGE 7\else
\ifx\@currsize\scriptsize 1\else
\ifx\@currsize\tiny 0\else
\ifx\@currsize\huge 8\else
\ifx\@currsize\Huge 9\else
4\rs@unknown@warning % unknown state: |\normalsize| as starting point
% Change the number by the given increment:
% watch out for size underflow:
\ifnum\@tempcnta<\z@ \rs@size@warning{small}{\string\tiny}\@tempcnta\z@ \fi
\ifcase\@tempcnta % set new size based on altered number
\tiny \or \scriptsize \or \footnotesize \or \small \or \normalsize \or
\large \or \Large \or \LARGE \or \huge \or \Huge \else
\fi\fi}% end of |\relsize|.
% \CodeDefine\rs@size@warning
\providecommand*\rs@size@warning[2]{\PackageWarning{gmutils (relsize)}{%
Size requested is too #1.\MessageBreak Using #2 instead}}
% \CodeDefine\rs@unknown@warning
\providecommand*\rs@unknown@warning{\PackageWarning{gmutils (relsize)}{Current font size
is unknown! (Why?!?)\MessageBreak Assuming \string\normalsize}}
% And a~handful of shorthands:
% \CodeDefine\larger \CodeDefine\smaller \CodeDefine\textlarger
% \CodeDefine\textsmaller \CodeDefine\largerr \CodeDefine\smallerr
% \division{\cs{firstofone} and the Queer \cs{catcode}s}
% Remember that once a~macro's argument has been read, its
% |\catcode|s are assigned forever and ever. That's what is
% |\firstofone| for. It allows you to change the |\catcode|s locally
% for a~definition \emph{outside} the changed |\catcode|s' group.
% Just see the below usage of this macro `with \TeX's eyes', as my
% \TeX\ Guru taught me.
% \CodeDefine\firstofone
% And this one is defined, I~know, but it's not |\long| with the
% standard definition.
% \CodeDefine\gobble\CodeDefine\gobbletwo
% \CodeDefine\subs
\bgroup\catcode`\_=8 %
% \CodeDefine\twelveunder
% Now, let's define such a~smart |_| (underscore) which will be usual
% |_|${}_8$ in the math mode and |_|\catother\ (`other') outside math.
% \CodeDefine\smartunder
% \changes{v0.60}{06/09/05}{\cs{\_} instead of \cs{twelveunder}}
\def_{\ifmmode\subs\else\_\fi}}}% We define it as |\_| not just as
% |\twelveunder| because some font encodings don't have |_| at the
% |\char`\_| position.
% \CodeEscapeChar\!
% \CodeDefine\bslash \CodeDefine\twelvebackslash
%^^A] balancing braces for Emacs
% \CodeEscapeChar\\
% \CodeDefine\twelvepercent
% \begin{oldmc}
\begingroup \@makeother\%
% \end{oldmc}
% \CodeDefine\twelveand
\begingroup \@makeother\&%
% \CodeDefine\twelvespace
\begingroup\@makeother\ %
\def\twelvespace{ }}
% I~fancy also another Knuthian trick for typesetting \
% in \TeXbook. So I~repeat it here. The inner |\meta| macro is
% copied verbatim from \pk{doc}'s v2.1b documentation dated 2004/02/09
% because it's so beautifully crafted I~couldn't resist. I~only don't
% make it |\long|.
% \dekmedskip
% \begin{quotation}
% The new implementation fixes this problem by defining
% |\meta| in a radically different way: we prevent hypenation by defining a |\language|
% which has no patterns associated with it and use this to typeset the words within
% the angle brackets.
% \end{quotation}
% \CodeDefine\meta \CodeDefIndex\l@nohyphenation
% \begin{quotation}
% Since the old implementation of |\meta| could be used in math we better ensure
% that this is possible with the new one as well. So we use |\ensuremath| around
% |\langle| and |\rangle|. However this is not enough: if |\meta@font@select| below
% expands to |\itshape| it will fail if used in math mode. For this reason we hide
% the whole thing inside an |\nfss@text| box in that case.
% \end{quotation}
\ifmmode \expandafter \nfss@text \fi
% Need to keep track of what we changed just in case the user changes font inside
% the argument so we store the font explicitly.
% \CodeDefIndex\meta@hyphen@restore
% \CodeDefIndex\meta@font@select
% \changes {v0.76}{06/9/21}{\cs{itshape} changed to an explicit and
% violent \cs{it} to work as expected in \cs{cs}'s argument}
% But I~define |\meta@font@select| as the brutal and explicit |\it|
% instead of the original |\itshape| to make it usable e.g.\ in the
% \pk{gmdoc}'s |\cs| macro's argument.
% The below |\meta|'s drag\footnote{Think of the drags that transform ^^B
% a~very nice but rather standard `auntie' (`Tante' in Deutsch) into ^^B(
% a~most adorable Queen ;-)\,.} is a~version of \TeXbook's one.
% \CodeDefine*{\<...>}
% \division{Macros for Printing Macros and Filenames}
% First let's define three auxiliary macros analogous to |\dywiz| from
% \pk{polski.sty}: a~shorthands for |\discretionary| that'll stick to
% the word not spoiling its hyphenability and that'll won't allow
% a~linebreak just before nor just after themselves. The
% |\discretionary| \TeX\ primitive has three arguments: |#1| `before
% break', |#2| `after break', |#3| `without break', remember?
% \CodeDefine\discre \CodeDefine\discret
% A~tiny little macro that acts like |\-| outside the math mode and
% has its original meaning inside math.
% \CodeDefine\vs
% Then we define a~macro that makes the spaces visible even if used in
% an argument (i.e., in a~situation where re|\catcode|ing has no
% effect).
% \CodeDefine\printspaces
%^^A CodeDefIndex\gm@printspaces
% ^^A~originally it has a~version with the argument delimited with /
% ^^A but recently I~don't like this delimiter.
% ^^A A~test: \printspaces{Ala ma kota }\par
% ^^A \printspaces{Ala ma aligatora}
\def\printspaces#1{{\let~=\vs \let\ =\vs \gm@pswords#1 \@@nil}}
% \CodeDefIndex\gm@pswords
\def\gm@pswords#1 #2\@@nil{%
\if\relax#2\relax\else\vs\penalty\hyphenpenalty\gm@pswords#2\@@nil\fi}% note
% that in the recursive call of |\gm@pswords| the argument string is
% not extended with a~guardian space: it has been already by
% |\printspaces|.
% \CodeDefine\sfname \CodeDefine\file
\let\file\sfname% it allows the spaces in the filenames (and prints
% them as \vs).
% The below macro I~use to format the packages' names.
% \CodeDefine\pk \CodeDefine\file
% Some (if not all) of the below macros are copied from \pk{doc}
% and/or \pk{ltxdoc}.
% A~macro for printing control sequences in arguments of
% a~macro. Robust to avoid writing an explicit |\| into a~file. It
% calls |\ttfamily| not |\tt| to be usable in headings which are
% boldface sometimes.
% \CodeDefine\cs
\def\{{\char`\{}\def\}{\char`\}}\ttfamily #1#2}}
% \CodeDefine\env
% \changes{v0.66}{06/09/29}{the braces removed}
% And one for encouraging linebreaks e.g., before long verbatim words.
% \CodeDefine\possfil
% The five macros below are taken from the \pk{ltxdoc.dtx}.
% \begin{quotation}|\cmd{\foo}| Prints |\foo| verbatim. It may be used inside moving
% arguments. |\cs{foo}| also prints |\foo|, for those who prefer that
% syntax. (This second form may even be used when |\foo| is
% |\outer|).\end{quotation}
% \CodeDefine\cmd
% \CodeDefIndex\cmd@to@cs
% |\marg{text}| prints \marg{text}, `mandatory argument'.
% \CodeDefine\marg
% |\oarg{text}| prints \oarg{text}, `optional argument'.
% Also |\oarg[text]| does that.
% \CodeDefine\oarg
% |\parg{te,xt}| prints \parg{te,xt}, `picture mode argument'.
% \CodeDefine\parg
% But we can have all three in one command.
% \CodeDefine\arg
% \division{Storing and Restoring the Meanings of CSs}
% A~command to store the current meaning of a~CS in another macro to
% temporarily redefine the CS and be able to set its original meanig
% back (when grouping is not recommended):
%\changes{v0.67}{06/10/11}{enriched with \cs{makeatletter}}
\expandafter\let\csname /gml/store\string#1\endcsname#1}
% We make the |\StoreMacro| command a~three-step to allow usage of the
% most inner macro also in the next command.
% The starred version, |\StoreMacro*| works with csnames (without the
% backslash). It's first used to store the meanings of robust
% commands, when you may need to store not only |\foo|, but also
% |\csname foo \endcsname|.
% The next command iterates over a~list of CSs and stores each of
% them. The CS may be separated with commas but they don't have to.
% \CodeDefine\StoreMacros
% \label{InnerStore}
% And the inner iterating macro:
\def\@tempa{\noexpand#1}% My \TeX\ Guru's trick to deal with |\fi|
% and such, i.e., to hide |#1| from \TeX\ when it is processing a~test's
% branch without expanding.
\if\@tempa.% a~dot finishes storing.
\if\@tempa,% The list this macro is put before may
% contain commas and that's O.K., we just continue the work.
\else% what is else this shall be stored.
\gml@StoreCS{#1}% we use a~particular CS to may |\let| it both to
% the storing macro as above and to the restoring one as
% \gmiflink[letRestore]{below}.
% And for the restoring
%\changes{v0.67}{06/10/11}{enriched with \cs{makeatletter}}
\@xa\let\@xa#1\csname /gml/store\string#1\endcsname}
% \CodeDefine\RestoreMacros
\let\gml@StoreCS\Restore@Macro% \gmhypertarget[letRestore]{we}
% direct the core CS towards restoring and call the same iterating
% macro as in line \ref{InnerStore}.
% As you see, the |\RestoreMacros| command uses the same iterating
% macro inside, it only changes the meaning of the core macro.
% And to restore \emph{and} use immediately:
%\changes{v0.67}{06/10/11}{enriched with \cs{makeatletter}}
% It happended (see the definition of |\@docinclude| in \pk{gmdoc.sty})
% that I~needed to |\relax| a~bunch of macros and restore them after
% some time. Because the macros were rather numerous and I~wanted the
% code more readable, I~wanted to |\do| them. After a~proper defining
% of |\do| of course. So here is this proper definition of |\do|,
% provided as a~macro (a~declaration).
% \CodeDefine\StoringAndRelaxingDo
% \changes{v0.59}{06/09/04}{added for storing index-related macros in
% \pk{gmdoc}'s \cs{DocInclude}.}
% \changes{v0.61}{06/09/05}{renamed from \cs{MacroStoringDo} and the
% storing cs's prefix changed from \cs[]{@gml@srs}.}
\def\do##1{\expandafter\let\csname /gml/store\string##1\endcsname##1%
% And here is the counter-definition for restore.
% \CodeDefine\RestoringDo
% \changes{v0.59}{06/09/04}{added for restoring index-related macros in
% \pk{gmdoc}'s \cs{DocInclude}.}
% \changes{v0.61}{06/09/05}{renamed from \cs{MacroRestoringDo} and
% relaxing of the storing cs removed.}
\expandafter\let\expandafter##1\csname /gml/store\string##1\endcsname}}
% And to store a~cs as explicitly named cs, i.e. to |\let| one csname
% another:
% \division{Third Person Pronouns}
% Is a~reader of my documentations `she' or 'he' and does it make
% a~difference?
% Not to favour any gender in the personal pronouns, define
% commands that'll print alternately masculine and feminine
% pronoun of third person. By `any' I~mean not only typically
% masculine and typically feminine but the entire amazingly rich
% variety of people's genders, \emph{including} those who do not
% describe themselves as `man' or `woman'.
% One may say two pronouns
% is far too little to cover this variety but I~could point Ursula's
% K.\ LeGuin's \textit{The Left Hand Of Darkness} as another acceptable
% answer. In that moody and moderate SF novel the androgynous
% persons are usually referred to as `mister', `sir' or `he': the
% meaning of reference is extended. Such an extension also my
% automatic pronouns do suggest. It's \emph{not} political
% correctness, it's just respect to people's diversity.
% \CodeDefIndex*{gm@PronounGender}
% \let\do\CodeDefine
% \do\gm@atppron \do\heshe \do\hisher \do\himher \do\hishers
% \do\HeShe \do\HisHer \do\HimHer \do\HisHers
\stepcounter{gm@PronounGender}% remember |\stepcounter| is global.
% \division[To Save Precious Count Registers]{\gmhypertarget{To Save Precious Count Registers}}
% It's a~contribution to \TeX's ecology \gobble(;-). You can use as
% many CSs as you wish and you may use only 256 count registers
% (although in e\TeX\ there are $2^{16}$ count registers, which makes
% the following a~bit obsolete).
\advance\@tempcnta by1\relax
\xdef#1{\the\@tempcnta}}% Because of some mysterious reasons
% explicit |\count0| interferred with page
% numbering when used in |\gmd@evpaddonce| in \pk{gmdoc}.
% Need an explanation? The |\nummacro| declaration defines its
% argument (that should be a~CS) as |{0}| which is analogous to
% |\newcount| declaration but doesn't use up any count register.
% Then you may use this numeric macro as something between \TeX's
% count CS and \LaTeX's counter. The macros |\stepnummacro| and
% |\addtonummacro| are analogous to \LaTeX's |\stepcounter| and
% |\addtocounter| respectively: |\stepnummacro| advances the number
% stored in its argument by 1 and |\addtonummacro| advances it by the
% second argument. As the \LaTeX's analogoi, they have the global effect
% (the effect of global warming \gobble(;-)\,).
% So far I've used only |\nummacro| and |\stepnummacro|. Notify me if
% you use them and whether you need sth.\ more, |\multiplynummacro|
% e.g.
% \division{Improvements to \pk{mwcls} Sectioning Commands}
% That is, `Expe-ri-mente'\footnote{A.\ Berg, \textit{Wozzeck}.} mit MW
% sectioning \& \cs{refstepcounter} to improve \pk{mwcls}'s cooperation
% with \pk{hyperref}. They shouldn't make any harm if another class
% (non-\pk{mwcls}) is loaded.
% We |\refstep| sectioning counters even if the sectionings are not
% numbered, because otherwise
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item \pdfTeX\ cried of multiply defined |\label|s,
% \item e.g.\ in a~table of contents the hyperlink
% || linked not to the chapter's heading but
% to the last-before-it change of |\ref|.
% \end{enumerate}
\AtBeginDocument{% because we don't know when exactly \pk{hyperref} is
% loaded and maybe after this package.
\setcounter{NoNumSecs}{617}% to make |\ref|ing to an unnumbered section
% visible (and funny?).
\hypertarget{#1}{#1}}}% end of then
\def\gm@targetheading#1{#1}}% end of else
}% of |\AtBeginDocument|
% Auxiliary macros for the kernel sectioning macro:
\if@mainmatter\else \HeadingNumberedfalse \fi}
\if@openright\cleardoublepage\else \clearpage\fi}
% To avoid |\def|ing of |\mw@sectionxx| if it's undefined, we redefine
% |\def| to gobble the definition and restore the original meaning of
% itself.
% Why shouldn't we change the ontological status of |\mw@sectionxx|
% (not define if undefined)? Because some macros (in \pk{gmdocc} e.g.)
% check it to learn whether they are in an \pk{mwcls} or not.
% But let's make a~shorthand for this test since we'll use it three
% times in this package and maybe also somewhere else.
% \CodeDefine\@ifnotmw
\StoreMacro\gmu@def \def\gmu@def#14#2{\RestoreMacro\gmu@def}}{}
% I~know it may be of bad taste (to write such a~way \emph{here}) but
% I~feel so lonely and am in an alien state of mind after 3 hour sleep
% last night and, worst of all, listening to sir Edward Elgar's flamboyant
% Symphonies d'Art Nouveau.
% A~\emph{decent} person would just wrap the following
% definition in |\@ifundefined|'s Else. But look, the definition is so
% long and I~feel so lonely etc. So,
% I~define |\def| (for some people there's nothing sacred) to be
% a~macro with two parameters, first of which is
% delimited by digit 4 (the last token of |\mw@sectionxx|'s parameter
% string) and the latter is undelimited which means it'll be the body
% of the definition. Such defined |\def| does nothing else but
% restores its primitive meaning by the way sending its arguments to
% the Gobbled Tokens' Paradise. Luckily, |\RestoreMacro| contains
% |\let| not |\def|.
% The kernel of MW's sectioning commands:
\edef\mw@HeadingLevel{\csname #1@level\endcsname
\space}% space delimits level number!
\ifnum \mw@HeadingLevel>\c@secnumdepth \HeadingNumberedfalse \fi
% line below is in \@ifundefined to make it work in classes
% other than mwbk
%% \ifHeadingNumbered
%% \refstepcounter{#1}%
%% \protected@edef\HeadingNumber{\csname the#1\endcsname\relax}%
%% \else
%% \let\HeadingNumber\@empty
%% \fi
\fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingBreakBefore|
% placement of |\refstep| suggested by me (GM)
\protected@edef\HeadingNumber{\csname the#1\endcsname\relax}%
\fi% of |\ifHeadingNumbered|
\fi% of |\if@twoside|
\fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingBreakAfter|
\fi% of |\if@twocolumn|
\fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingWholeWidth|
\fi% of |\if\mw@HeadingRunIn|
%%%% (End of Experimente with MW sectioning.)
% \division{Compatibilising Standard and \pk{mwcls} Sectionings}
% If you use Marcin Woli\'nski's document classes (\pk{mwcls}), you
% might have met their little queerness: the sectioning commands take
% two optional arguments instead of standard one. It's reasonable
% since one may wish one text to be put into the running head,
% another to the toc and yet else to the page. But the order of
% optionalities causes an incompatibility with the standard classes:
% MW section's first optional argument goes to the running head not to
% toc and if you've got a~source file written with the standard
% classes in mind and use the first (and only) optional argument, the
% effect with \pk{mwcls} would be different if not error.
% Therefore I~counter-assign the commands and arguments to reverse the
% order of optional arguments for sectioning commands when \pk{mwcls}
% are in use and reverse, to make \pk{mwcls}-like sectioning optionals usable
% in the standard classes.
% \stanza
% With the following in force, you may both in the standard classes
% and in \pk{mwcls} give a~sectioning command one or two optional
% arguments (and mandatory the last, of course). If you give just one
% optional, it goes to the running head and to toc as in scls (which
% is unlike in \pk{mwcls}).
% If you give two optionals, the first goes to the running head and
% the other to toc (like in \pk{mwcls} and unlike in scls).
% (In both cases the mandatory last argument goes only to the page.)
% What more is unlike in scls, it's that even with them the starred
% versions of sectioning commands allow optionals (but they still send
% them to the Gobbled Tokens' Paradise).
% (In \pk{mwcls}, the only difference between starred and non-starred
% sec commands is (not) numbering the titles, both versions make a~contents
% line and a~mark and that's not changed with my redefinitions.)
\@ifnotmw{% we are not in \pk{mwcls} and want to
% handle \pk{mwcls}-like sectionings i.e., those written with two
% optionals.
% \CodeDefine\gm@secxx
\@namelet{gm@true@#1mark}{#1mark}% a~little trick to allow
% a~special version of the heading just to the running head.
\@namedef{#1mark}##1{% we redefine \cs{\mark} to gobble its
% argument and to launch the stored true marking command on the
% appropriate argument.
\csname gm@true@#1mark\endcsname{#2}%
\@namelet{#1mark}{gm@true@#1mark}% after we've done what we
% wanted we restore original |\#1mark|.
\def\gm@secstar{[#3]}% if |\gm@secstar|
% is empty, which means the sectioning command was written
% starless, we pass the `true' sectioning command |#3| as the
% optional argument. Otherwise the sectioning command was written
% with star so the `true' s.c.\ takes no optional.
% \stanza
}{% we are in \pk{mwcls} and want to reverse MW's optionals order
% i.e., if there's just one optional, it should go both to toc and to
% running head.
\let\gm@secmarkh\@gobble% in \pk{mwcls} there's no need to make
% tricks for special version to running headings.
% \CodeDefine\gm@secxx
\@ifnextchar[{\gm@secxx{#1}{#2}}{\gm@secxx{#1}{#2}[#2]}}% if
% there's only one optional, we double \emph{it} not the mandatory
% argument. ^^A]
\def\gm@straightensec#1{% the parameter is for the command's name.
\@ifundefined{#1}{}{% we don't change the ontological status of the
% command because someone may test it.
\@ifnotmw{}{\do{paragraph}}% this `straightening' of
% |\paragraph| with the standard \pk{article} caused the `\TeX\
% capacity exceeded' error. Anyway, who on Earth wants paragraph
% titles in toc or running head?
% \LaTeX\ provides a~very useful |\g@addto@macro| macro that adds its
% second argument to the current definition of its first argument
% (works iff the first argument is a~no argument macro). But I~needed
% it some times in a~document, where |@| is not a~letter. So:
% \CodeDefine\gaddtomacro
% The redefining of the first argument of the above macro(s) is
% |\global|. What if we want it local? Here we are:
% \CodeDefine\addto@macro
}%(|\toks@| is a~scratch register, namely |\toks0|.)
% And for use in the very document,
% \CodeDefine\addtomacro
% |#1| is for non-\LaTeX\ spelling and will be used in the PD1
% encoding (to make pdf bookmarks);\\
% |#2| is the command, its name will be the PD1 spelling by
% default,\\
% |#3| is the definition for all the font encodings except PD1.
% `\LaTeXpar' in my opinion better describes what I~work with/in than
% just `\LaTeX'.
% \CodeDefine\LaTeXpar
\kern-.2\wd\z@ L%
\sbox\tw@ T%
\vbox to\ht\tw@{\box\z@%
\kern-.07em% originally $-,15$\,em for T.
%\CodeDefine\@emptify \CodeDefine\emptify
% Note the two following commands are in fact one-argument.
%\CodeDefine\g@emptify \CodeDefine\gemptify
% \CodeDefine\@relaxen \CodeDefine\relaxen
% Note the two following commands are in fact one-argument.
% \CodeDefine\g@relaxen \CodeDefine\grelaxen
% For the heavy debugs I~was doing while preparing \pk{gmdoc}, as
% a~last resort I~used |\showlists|. But this command alone was
% usually too little: usually it needed setting |\showboxdepth| and
% |\showboxbreadth| to some positive values. So,
% \CodeDefine\gmshowlists
% \changes{v0.59}{06/09/04}{moved here from \pk{gmdoc}}
\def\gmshowlists{\showboxdepth=1000 \showboxbreadth=1000 \showlists}
% \CodeDefine\nameshow
% Standard |\string| command returns a~string of `other' chars except
% for the space, for which it returns | |$_{10}$. In \pk{gmdoc}
% I~needed the spaces in macros' and environments' names to be always
% \catother, so I~define
% \CodeDefine\xiistring
% \changes{v0.59}{06/09/04}{moved here from \pk{gmdoc}}
% A~very neat macro provided by \pk{doc}. I~copy it
% \*|verbatim|.
% \CodeDefine\*
\DeclareRobustCommand*\*{\leavevmode\lower.8ex\hbox{$\,\widetilde{\ }\,$}}
% The standard |\obeyspaces| declaration just changes the space's
% |\catcode| to \catactive\ (`active'). Usually it is fairly enough
% because no one `normal' redefines the active space. But we are
% \emph{not} normal and we do \emph{not} do usual things and therefore
% we want a~declaration that not only will |\active|ate the space but
% also will (re)define it as the |\ | primitive. So define
% |\gmobeyspaces| that obeys this requirement.
% (This definition is repeated in \pk{gmverb}.)
\begin{catcode}`\ \active
\gdef\gmobeyspaces{\catcode`\ \active\let \ }
% While typesetting poetry, I~was surprised that sth.\ didn't work. The
% reason was that original |\obeylines| does |\let| not |\def|, so I~give
% the latter possibility.
% \CodeDefine\defobeylines
% \changes{v0.62}{06/09/07}{moved from \pk{pmlectionis.cls}}
\bgroup\catcode`\^^M\active% the comment signs here are crucial.
\def\defobeylines{\catcode`\^^M=13 \def^^M{\par}}}%
% Another thing I~dislike in \LaTeX\ yet is doing special things for
% |\...skip|'s, 'cause I~like the Knuthian simplicity. So I~sort of
% restore Knuthian meanings:
% \changes{v0.63}{06/9/8}{Plain-like skip macros
% defined: \cs{deksmall/med/bigskip} i.e., moved here from
% another file}
% \CodeDefine\deksmallskip \CodeDefine\dekmedskip
% \CodeDefine\dekbigskip \CodeDefine\undeksmallskip
% In some |\if(cat?)|\ test I~needed to look only at the first token of
% a~tokens' string (first letter of a~word usually) and to
% drop the rest of it. So I~define a~macro that expands
% to the first token (or \marg{text}) of its argument.
% \CodeDefine\@firstofmany
% \changes{v0.63}{06/9/9}{added}
% A~mark for the \TODO{}s:
% \CodeDefine\TODO
% \changes{v0.64}{06/9/17}{moved here from \pk{pmlectionis}}
\sffamily\bfseries\huge TODO!\if\relax#1\relax\else\space\fi#1}}
% \iffalse
% The code contained in this iffalse I~wrote to make the table of
% contents twocolumn. The first difficulties led me to making the
% writes immediate at begin and end document but this also worked bad
% in a~special situation, namely, when a~contents line was added on
% the last page of the document. So for now I~give this way up and
% brutally redefine the internal \LaTeX\ macro.
% % A~trick for making |\protected@write| immediate. What's a~use of it?
% % See the next macro.
% % CodeDefine\MakeWriteImmediate
% % CodeDefIndex\@@write
% % changes{v0.65}{06/9/26}{added}
% \newcommand*\MakeWriteImmediate{%
% \let\@@write\write
% \def\write{\immediate\@@write}}
% % First I~used it for closing of \env{multicols} in the \file{.toc}
% % file.
% % CodeDefine\ImmediateAddtoConts
% % changes{v0.65}{06/9/26}{added}
% \newcommand\ImmediateAddtoConts[2]{{%
% \MakeWriteImmediate
% \addtocontents{#1}{#2}%
% }}
% \fi
% I~like twocolumn tables of contents. First I~tried to provide them by
% writing |\begin{multicols}{2}| and |\end{multicols}| outto the
% \file{.toc} file but it worked wrong in some cases. So I~redefine the
% internal \LaTeX\ macro instead.
% \CodeDefine\twocoltoc \CodeDefine\@starttoc
\begin{multicols}{2}\makeatletter\@input {\jobname .##1}%
\if@filesw \expandafter \newwrite \csname tf@##1\endcsname
\immediate \openout \csname tf@##1\endcsname \jobname .##1\relax
% The macro given below is taken from the \pk{multicol} package (where
% its name is |\enough@room|). I~put it in this package since I~needed
% it in two totally different works.
\advance\dimen0 by-\pagetotal
% The |\dots| didn't come out well. My small investigation revealed
% a~mysterious replacement of the original \LaTeX\ definition of
% |\textellipsis| with
% \begin{verbatim}
%> \textellipsis=macro:
%->\PD1-cmd \textellipsis \PD1\textellipsis .
% \end{verbatim}
% \par But that's not the ellipsis was wrong: it \emph{is} very tight
% in the QX encoding.
% \iffalse
% So, let's ensure |\dots| are given the proper kerning:
% % \CodeDefine\ltxtextellipsis\CodeDefine\dots
% \def\gm@textellipsis{%
% .\kern\fontdimen3\font
% .\kern\fontdimen3\font
% .\kern\fontdimen3\font}
% \DeclareRobustCommand*\dots{%
% \ifmmode\mathellipsis\else\gm@textellipsis\fi}
% \let\ldots\dots
%\fi ^^A~of iffalse
% Two shorthands for debugging:
% An equality sign properly spaced:
% \CodeDefine\equals\CodeDefine\eequals
% And for the \LaTeX's pseudo-code statements:
% The job name without extension.
% \CodeDefine\jobnamewoe
\def\jobnamewoe{\expandafter\gm@jobn\jobname.\@@nil}% We add the dot
% to be sure there is one although I'm not sure whether you can \TeX\
% a~file that has no extrension.
% While typesetting a~unicode file contents with \pk{inputenc} package
% I~got a~trouble with some Unicode sequences that expanded to
% unexpandable CSs: they could'nt be used within
% |\csname...\endcsname|. My \TeX Guru advised to use |\meanig| to
% make all the name `other'. So---here we are.
% Don't use them in |\edef|s, they would expand not quite.
% \CodeDefine\unex@namedef \CodeDefine\unex@nameuse
% The next macro turns its |#2| all into `other' chars and assigns
% them to |#1| which has to be a~CS or an active char.
% \CodeDefine\def@other
% The next macro is intended to be put in |\edef|s with a~macro
% argument. The meaning of the macro will be made all `other' and the
% words '(long) macro:->' gobbled.
% The |\gm@gobmacro| macro above is applied to gobble the |\meaning|'s
% beginnig, |long macro:->| all `other' that is.
% \CodeDefine\gm@gobmacro
% In the next two macros' names, `unex' stands both for not expanding
% the argument(s) and for disastrously partial unexpandability of the
% macros themselves.
% While typesetting a~UTF-8 ls-R result I~found a~difficulty that
% follows: UTF-8 encoding is handled by the \pk{inputenc}
% package. It's O.K. so far. The UTF-8 sequences are managed using
% active chars. That's O.K. so far. While writing such sequences to
% a~file, the active chars expand. You feel the blues? When the result of
% expansion is read again, it sometimes is again an active char, but
% now it doesn't star a~correct UTF-8 sequence.
% Because of that I~wanted to `freeze' the active chars so that they
% would be |\write|n to a~file unexpanded. A~very brutal operation is
% done: we look at all 256 chars' catcodes and if we find an active
% one, we |\let| it |\relax|. As the macro does lots and lots of
% assignments, it shouldn't be used in |\edef|s.
% \CodeDefine\freeze@actives
% \changes{v0.76}{2007/02/07}{added}
% \subdivision{\env{enumerate*} and \env{itemize*}}
% We wish the starred version of \env{enumerate} to be just numbered
% paragraphs. But \pk{hyperref} redefines |\item| so we should do it
% Tiger's way, to set the \LaTeX's \env{list} parameters that is.
% (Marcin Woli\'nski in \pk{mwcls} defines those environments slightly
% different: his item labels are indented, mine are not; his
% subsequent paragraphs of an item are not indented, mine are.)
% \CodeDefine*{enumerate*}
\@xa\list\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname{%
\partopsep\topsep \topsep\z@ \leftmargin\z@
\itemindent\@parindent %\advance\itemindent\labelsep
\usecounter \@enumctr
% \CodeDefine*{itemize*}
\partopsep\topsep \topsep\z@ \leftmargin\z@
\def\makelabel##1{##1\hfil }}%
\begin{multicols}{#1}[The current font (the \f@encoding\ encoding):]
\ \the\count\z@:~\char\count\z@\par}
% \CodeDefine\liturgiques
% \changes{v0.76}{07/3/30}{added, or rather moved from \file{Akatyst.tex}}
\newcommand*\liturgiques{% Requires the \pk{color} package.
\newcommand*\czerwo{\small\color{red}}% environment
\newcommand{\czer}[1]{\leavevmode{\czerwo##1}}% we leave
% vmode because if we don't, then \env{verse}'s |\everypar| would be
% executed in a~group and thus its effect lost.
\typeout{^^J! Package `#2' not loaded!!! (\on@line)^^J}}}}
% Let's remove some commands from the list to erase at begin document!
% Primarily that list was intended to save memory not to forbid
% anything. Nowadays when memory is cheap, the list of only-preamble
% commands should be rethought IMO.
% And let's make the message of only preamble command's forbidden use
% informative a~bit:
\def\gm@notprerr{ can be used only in preamble (\on@line)}
\def##1{! \@nx\string##1 \@nx\gm@notprerr}}%
% \changes{v0.70}{06/10/20}{Package renamed to \pk{gmutils} from
% \pk{gmlpatch}. As my \protect\TeX\ Guru remarked rightly, the
% previous name might suggest there was sth.\ wrong with \LaTeX\ which
% was not my intension}
% \changes{v0.74}{2006/11/28}{Added macros to make sectioning commands
% of \pk{mwcls} and standard classes compatible. Now my sectionings
% allow two optionals in both worlds and with \pk{mwcls} if there's
% only one optional, it's the title to toc and running head not just
% to the latter}
% \changes{v0.76}{2007/03/10}{A~`fixing' of \cs{dots} was rolled back
% since it came out they were O.K. and that was the QX encoding that
% prints them very tight}
% \PrintChanges\PrintIndex
% (For my GNU Emacs:)
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: doctex
%%% TeX-master: "../../../../LaTeX/TeXGuru/gmutils/gmutilsDoc.tex"
%%% End:
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